Honours and Awards Archive

A selection of awards and distinctions of members at the Department of Environmental Systems Science.


Highly Cited Researchers from D-USYS

Heini Wernli receives the "Golden Owl 2016"


“Highly Cited Researchers” at D-USYS


Prof. Dani Or

Prof. Dani Or

Fellow of the Geological Societiy of America (GSA), USA

external page Geological Societiy of America (GSA) | Prof. Dani Or

Prof. Emmanuel Frossard

Prof. Emmanuel Frossard

The Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) appointed Emmanuel Frossard President of the Steering Committee of the National Research Programme "Sustainable Use of Soil as a Resource" (NRP 68).

external page National Research Programme NFP 68 | Prof. Emmanuel Frossard

Prof. Sebastian Bonhoeffer

Prof. Sebastian Bonhoeffer

Elected as a member of the European Molecular Biology Organzation EMBO. With this membership he is honoured for his outstanding scientific achievements in the area of ecology and evolution.

external page EMBO | Prof. Sebastian Bonhoeffer

Prof. Silvia Dorn

Prof. Silvia Dorn

Professor Emerita Silvia Dorn was elected as C.V. Riley Lecturer 2014 at the University of Missouri. In addition, she received the Doron Prize 2014 for her research in applied Entomology, which contributes significantly to a more food supply worldwide.

external page C.V. Riley Entomological Society | external page C.V. Riley Annual Seminar

Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

ERC Consolidator Grant for the investigation of drought and heatwave dynamics. These highly competitive grants allow mid-career scientists to develop their most innovative ideas across the European Research Area.

external page ERC Projekt DROUGHT-HEAT | Article in ETH-News | Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

Prof. Johan Six

Prof. Johan Six

Philippe Duchaufour Medal 2014, the most prestigious award of the Soil System Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union, also called the Soil Science Nobel prize. With this award, the scientist Johan Six is honored as a leading researcher within the Soil System Sciences for his fundamental contribution to soil science through studies of biogeochemical cycling, aggregate and soil organic matter dynamics.

external page Philippe Duchaufour Medal 2014 | external page European Geosciences Union Awards 2014 | Prof. Johan Six


Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

James B. Macelwane Medal 2013 from the American Geophysical Union (AGU). This medal is given to outstanding early career scientists for their contributions to the geophysical sciences.

external page James B. Macelwande Medal | external page AGU Honors Tribute on YouTube | Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

Prof. Silvia Dorn

Prof. Silvia Dorn

For the first time in its long history the Entomological Society of America (ESA) honors a non-american scientist Silvia Dorn at the annual meeting 2013 by a special symposium "Strengthening the Connection between Continents – A Symposium Honoring Silvia Dorn's Impact on Applied Entomological Research".

external page Member Symposium honoring Silvia Dorn | external page Entomology 2013

Dr. Tanja Stadler

Prof. Tanja Stadler

ETH Zurich Latsis Prize 2013, a prize acknowledging excellent scientific contributions by young researchers. In 2013 she also received a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). Her research focus on mathematical modelling of phylogenetic questions, combining classic phylogeny with modern epidemiology.

Tanja Stadler is since 2014 an Assistant Professor for Computational Evolution at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering.

external page Latsis-Prize | external page ERC Starting Grant PHYPD | Article in ETH News

Dr. Otto Cordero

ERC Starting Grant 2013 by the European Research Council (ERC). His research interests covers the field from micro-scale interaction networks to ecosystem-level processes in microbial communities.

external page ERC Starting Grant MINT | Appointment to ETH-Professor

Swiss Academies Award for Transdisciplinary Research 2013


In October 2013 the external page Swiss Academies Award for Transdisciplinary Research 2013 for outstanding achievements in transdisciplinary Research was awarded. The first prize was won by "MOUNTLAND", a project where nine research groups of ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne and WSL analysed the effects of climate and land use change on the performance of the ecosystems, such as natural hazards biodiversity or food production in three mountainous regions of Switzerland.

Further information on Mountland: external page WSL | CCES

Prof. Dani Or

Prof. Dani Or

Helmholtz International Fellow Award. In addition to receiving funding, the awardee is also invited to conduct research at Helmholtz Centres. In January 2013 he also received an ERC Advanced Grant 2012.

external page Helmholtz International Fellow Award | external page ERC Advanced Grant SOILLIFE | Prof. Dani Or


Prof. Nicolas Gruber

Prof. Nicolas Gruber

Nominated as AGU Fellow from the Ocean Sciences Section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for "his extraordinary scientific accomplishments and visionary leadership in ocean biogeochemistry research and education".

external page AGU Ocean Sciences | Prof. Nicolas Gruber

Prof. Dani Or

Prof. Dani Or

Selected as the 2013 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer. The Birdsall Lectureship is part of a bequest left to the Geological Society of America – Hydrogeology Division in memory of the prominent geologist John Manning Birdsall, retired from the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey.

external page Birdsall-Dreiss Lectures 2013 | Prof. Dani Or

Prof. Anthony Patt

ERC Consolidator Grant for "DESERTECTION", a project to investigate social challenges of a trans-Mediterranean renewable power cooperation.

external page ERC Consolidator Grant DESERTECTION | Prof. Anthony Patt

Prof. Kristopher McNeill

Prof. Kristopher McNeill

Erudite Scholar-in-Residence of the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, in Kerala (India).

Prof. Kristopher McNeill

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