Inaugural, farewell, and introductory lectures Archive
- Faszination Aerosole: welche Rolle spielen sie für Ozon, Klima, Flugverkehr und Covid?
Prof. Peter, Thomas
22.02.2023 | Farewell lecture | Video
- Actionable Research for the Sustainable Development Goals
Prof. Janet Hering
18.04.2023 | Farewell lecture | Video
- Aerosols, climate and air pollution: Tiny particles in big challenges
Prof. Claudia Mohr Claudia
08.11.2023 | Inaugural lecture | Video
- Climate & water extremes in a changing world
Prof. Manuela Brunner
08.11.2023 | Inaugural lecture | Video
- Role of nutrition in sustainable livestock farming
Prof. Mutian Niu
28.04.2022 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Watermarks 77-22
Prof. Bernhard Wehrli
03.05.2022 | Farewell Lecture | Video
- Agroecology: a transformative vision for sustainable food and agriculture
Prof. Johanna Jacobi
17.10.2022 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Ecosystem restoration – from global challenge to local implementation
Prof. Beate Jessel
17.10.2022 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Die Schweiz (besser) ohne Nutztiere?
Prof. Michael Kreuzer
22.09.2021 | Farewell lecture | Video
- Soil resource dynamics in a changing world
Prof. Sebastian Dötterl
03.11.2021 |Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Forest management planning – complex decision processes under uncertainty
Prof. Verena Griess
03.11.2021 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- The hidden half of plant water relations during drought
Prof. Andrea Carminati
03.11.2021 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- From so simple a molecule, endless forms most beautiful are monitored
Prof. Kristy Deiner
15.11.2021 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Bioinspired robots go back to nature
Prof. Stefano Mintchev
15.11.2021 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- The impacts of climate change on plant communities
Prof. Janneke Hille Ris Lambers
23.11.2021 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Environmental impacts of anthropogenic particles: plastics to nanomaterials
Prof. Denise Mitrano
23.11.2021 | Inaugural Lecture | Video
- Ending deforestation and fires in the Brazilian Amazon
Prof. Rachel Garrett
24.02.2020 | Inaugural lecture | Video
- On the search for general principles to predict land ecosystem dynamics
Prof. Benjamin Stocker
26.02.2020 | Inaugural lecture | Video
- Playing Chicken with Antibiotics
Prof. Thomas Van Boeckel
26.02.2020 | Inaugural lecture | Video
- Species (re)distributions and the structure and functioning of plant communities
Prof. Jake Alexander
30.10.2019 | Inaugural lecture | Video
- Understanding global-scale ecology in order to combat climate change
Prof. Tom Crowther
19.02.2018 | Einführungsvorlesung | Video anschauen
- Politik für die Energiewende
Prof. Johan Lilliestam
20.02.2018 | Einführungsvorlesung | Video anschauen
- From rainforest to the big city: an ecological journey
Prof. Peter Edwards
06.03.2018 | Abschiedsvorlesung | Video anschauen
- An ecologist‘s view on cropping systems
Prof. Christian Schöb
28.05.2018 | Einführungsvorlesung | Video anschauen
- Ist unser Wetter hausgemacht? Globale Akteure in der langfristigen Vorhersage
Prof. Daniela Domeisen
28.05.2018 | Einführungsvorlesung | Video anschauen
- Evolutionary principles of gene regulation
Prof. Joshua Payne
01.11.2018 | Einführungsvorlesung | Video anschauen
- Vom Wetterrisiko zur Klimaresilienz
Prof. David N. Bresch
31.05.2017 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Sequencing entire animal populations for genome-enabled precision breeding
Prof. Hubert Pausch
27.11.2017 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Evolution of hosts and parasites in small worlds
Prof. Alex Hall
12.04.2016 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Modeling and Management of Risk in Agriculture
Prof. Robert Finger
26.10.2016 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Biodiversity in dynamic landscapes: from land masses to climate changes
Prof. Loïc Pellissier
13.10.2015 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Chemical communication in ecological interactions among species
Prof. Consuelo De Moraes
16.12.2015 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Sustainable agroecosystems - from theory to practice
Prof. Johan Six
24.02.2014 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Smart Grids in Livestock
Prof. Susanne Ulbrich
12.05.2014 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Mikrobielles Leben in der marinen Tiefenbiosphäre
Prof. Mark Lever
06.10.2014 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Microbial Ecology: from diversity to complexity
Prof. Otto Cordero Sanchez
29.10.2014 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Klimapolitik und Innovation
Prof. Anthony Patt
26.11.2014 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Natur und Agrikultur
Prof. Silvia Dorn
25.03.2013 | Farewell lecture | Watch video
- Polare Eisschilder und Meeresspiegel - wie sieht unsere Zukunft aus?
Prof. Konrad Steffen
10.04.2013 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Pflanzenzüchtung im 21. Jahrhundert - Möglichkeiten bei Futterpflanzen
Prof. Bruno Studer
26.04.2013 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- The maintenance of species diversity
Prof. Jonathan Levine
09.05.2012 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Crime and punishment: social evolution in bacteria
Prof. Gregory Velicer
25.09.2012 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
- Health-impacting trace elements – where on earth are they?
Prof. Lenny Winkel
22.11.2012 | Inaugural lecture | Watch video
The new Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS)
Opening festivities
09.01.2021 | Watch video