Three USYS junior scientists honoured by SSA

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The Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SSA) has awarded three scientists at the department D-USYS for their excellent Master's theses.

From left: Robert Finger, Willemijn Vroege, David Lanter, representative from SSA
From left: Robert Finger, Willemijn Vroege, David Lanter, representative from SSA

The Master's theses from students at D-USYS were honoured as part of the newcomer competition with the best thesis award. This award is given to the best Bachelor's and Master's theses in the field of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology written at an Swiss university or research institution.

1. Prize:

Willemijn Vroege, Agricultural Economics and Policy Group, with the Master's thesis: «Neighbourhood Effects in Farm Diversification: A Dutch Case Study»

2. Prize:
David Lanter, Agricultural Economics and Policy Group, with the Master's thesis «Profitability of Firms in European Food Retailing»

3. Prize:
Sandro Michael, Agricultural Economics and Policy Group, with the Master's thesis: «Which are the most relevant risk factors in Swiss dairy market and is there consequently an efficiently operating tool insuring those risks?»

The prize was awarded at the annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SSA), which took place on 12 and 13 April 2018 in Gränichen.

The Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology SSA

The Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology SSA is a platform that encourages communication between Science, Economy, Politics, Education and Extension in the Agri- Food-Chain as well as in rural development. It was founded in 1972 and now has roughly 270 members.

external page Website SGA

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