Outstanding doctoral theses awarded with ETH Medal

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Mohammad Ali Nejad Ebrahimi, Vincent Humphrey, Caitlin Proctor and Timothy Thrippleton have been awarded the ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses.

by ETH Zürich / Sophie Graf
Timothy Thrippleton (on the left) with Sarah Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich. Foto: e-shooting.ch
Timothy Thrippleton (on the left) with Sarah Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich. Foto: e-shooting.ch

ETH Medals were presented at the doctoral graduation ceremony on 18 January 2019 to:

• Mohammad Ali Nejad Ebrahimi

with his doctoral thesis «Microbial life in unsaturated soil pore networks - trophic interactions and dispersal processes» mentored by Dani Or (IBP) for «his innovative modelling and experimental approach demonstrating the importance of soil aggregate size in a wide-range of processes».

Vincent Humphrey

with his doctoral thesis «Terrestrial water storage: Large-scale variability and impacts on the global carbon cycle» mentored by Sonia Seneviratne (IAC) for «new insight into the relationship between the temporal variability of terrestrial water storage and the global water cycle».

Caitlin Proctor

with her doctoral thesis «Microbiology of household plumbing: Causes and consequences» mentored by Martin Ackermann (IBP) for «crucial insights into the distribution of pathogens and other microorganisms in drinking water systems».

Timothy Thrippleton

with his doctoral thesis «The role of herbaceous vegetation in forest landscape dynamics» mentored by Harald Bugmann (ITES) for «showing that accurate models of climate change effects on forests must include the herbaceous understorey».

Congratulations to the medalists!

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