Master's degree graduation ceremony Agricultural and Food Sciences 2019
- Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Ninety-eight graduates, who had successfully completed the ETH Zurich’s Agricultural and Food Sciences Master’s degree programmes, attended the graduation ceremony, held in ETH Zurich’s main auditorium on 15 March 2019. Women undoubtedly ruled the day at the recent ceremony.

A glance at the first row of the audience attending the March 2019 Master's Ceremony in Agricultural and Food Sciences confirmed that women were clearly the most important hosts at this event. Rector Sarah Springman, the two Heads of Department Nina Buchmann and Viola Vogel, the Directors of Studies Susanne Ulbrich and Shana Sturla and the study programme coordinators Emma Lindberg and Jeannette Nuessli Guth were all present. "I hope we will have more celebrations of this kind at ETH Zurich," said Nina Buchmann after the ceremony. "The next generation of students also deserves to interact with female role models." Additionally, the majority of graduates in both study programmes were women.

- Reto Zihlmann (Agricultural Sciences) was awarded the ETH Medal for his Master's thesis "Leaf elongation response to drought" mentored by Prof. Bruno Studer and Dr. Stephen Yates, and Anastasia Stanga (Food Sciences) for her thesis "Mechanism of Cisplatin and Oxaliplatin Bypass by Human TLS Polymerases" supervised by Prof. Shana Sturla and Dr. Hailey Gahlon.
- Cecil Ringger (Agricultural Sciences) and Robin Bloch (Food Sciences) received the ETH Zurich Willi Studer Prize for the best students who completed the 2018 Master's programmes.
- Melanie Binggeli (Agricultural Sciences) received the H. Wilhelm Schaumann Prize for her Master's thesis "Elaborating concepts to identify influences on Hermetia illucens larval growth" mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys and Prof. Michael Kreuzer while Dr. Timothy Sykes was awarded the Hans Vontobel Prize for his excellent doctoral thesis.
- Theodoros Gavaliatsis (Food Sciences) was awarded the Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology (SGLWT) Prize for his Master’s thesis "Bread Crust Design – Optimizing the moisture barrier properties of bread crust" mentored by Prof. Peter Fischer and Dr. Christian Städeli. Robin Bloch was awarded the Hochdorf Prize for his Master’s thesis "Pulsed electric field (PEF) system optimisation by use of an interdisciplinary approach" mentored by Prof. Alexander Mathys and Prof. Erich Windhab.
Our warm congratulations goes to all the graduates. We wish them all the best for the future.