Six «Highly Cited Researchers 2019» from D-USYS
- Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
- Institute of Agricultural Sciences
- Climate sciences
By citation analysis, the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Group identifies researchers who have been recognized by the research community around the world for over a decade in the form of exceptionally high citation rates. A total of 18 ETH professors made it onto the "Highly Cited Researchers" list this year. A third of them - 6 in all - belong to the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS).

"Highly cited researchers" at D-USYS
The list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2019" comprises the approximately 6,200 scientists worldwide whose publications are among the top one percent of the most frequently cited papers in their field. In comparison to other departments and institutes, researchers from D-USYS are extraordinarily well represented.
• Nina Buchmann, Professor for Grassland Science at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS)
• Erich Fischer, Senior Scientist at the Institute for Atmosphere and Climate (IAC)
• Nicolas Gruber, Professor for Environmental Physics at the Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics (IBP)
• Reto Knutti, Professor for Climate Physics at the Institute for Atmosphere and Climate (IAC)
• Johan Six, Professor for Sustainable Agroecosystems at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS)
• Sonia Seneviratne, Professor for Land Climate Dynamics at the Institute for Atmosphere and Climate (IAC)
"Frontrunner" Sonia Seneviratne
Sonia Seneviratne from the Institute for Atmosphere and Climate (IAC) finds herself on the "Highly Cited Researchers" list for the sixth time in a row. "Analyses and facts on climate change are currently in great demand," explains Sonia Seneviratne. "We are at the interface between science and politics, for instance through our contribution to the IPCC report." The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.
See the full external page Highly Cited Researcher's List 2019 and the executive summary