Video report of field work in Svalbard
Another film portrait about the field work of researchers at D-USYS has been completed. The video "Expedition Svalbard 2019" shows in impressive pictures the work of three researchers from Itwo institutes in the Arctic.
In August 2019, a team of three people from the Institute of Integrative Biology (IBZ) and the Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems (ITES) travelled to Spitsbergen, the main island of the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard situated between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole: Simone Fior from the group of Professor Alex Widmer, Sebastian Dötterl, Professor of Soil Resources, and Florian Wilken from the group of Sebastian Dötterl. The expedition was organized in collaboration with Dr. Kristine Westergaard from the Norwegian Institute for Natural Research NINA in Trondheim. Their project: To collect plant and soil samples and data from drone-based remote sensing to study the adaptation of native and immigrated plant species to the warming Arctic and accelerated soil development.
Besides field equipment, the researchers brought along video and camera gear. Simone Fior documented the field activities throughout the campaign and Florian Wilken provided models of soil properties from remote sensing to show what the human eye can't see.
The team produced an impressive amount of high quality film material. With editorial help from the communications team and Multimedia Services of ETH Zurich, an impressive short film has been produced.
Do you have a similar project and you would like to capture your work on film? Then get in touch with Gabrielle Attinger. We will be happy to support you.