Dr. Hannier Pulido Barrios

Dr. Hannier Pulido Barrios
Staff of Professorship for Biocommunication and Ecology
ETH Zürich
- Work phone +41 44 632 55 37
- Work phone +41 76 248 82 78 Alternate(Alt.)
- phone +41 44 632 55 37 Secretariat(Sec.)
- contactsV-Card (vcf, 1kb)
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Research area
Chemical ecology
Multitrophic interactions
Data mining techniques
Beneficial effects of rhizobacteria on multitrophic interactions
Plant defenses
Additional information
I am interested in how microbes modify plant biochemistry and plant-insect interactions.
Specifically, I study the plant-mediated effect of beneficial rhizobacteria on aboveground insects and plant pathogens at several trophic levels. My previous work has examined how plant metabolites are altered by symbiosis with beneficial rhizobacteria and infection by a plant virus. By combining experimental ecology with different techniques including metabolomics, transcriptomics and behavior, I have implemented high-throughput data mining techniques to find patterns in large databases and to gain an understanding of the underlying causes of the chemical communication among different species. I have also used these techniques to analyze gas chromatography (GC-MS) data in a collaborative project about biomarkers of human malaria.