Dr. Dominique Barjolle
Dr. Dominique Barjolle
Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
Additional information
Research area
Agricultural Economics
Farm Resilience
Sustainability assessment
Agricultural Policy
Food system
Food security
Organic Farming
Geographical Indications
2012 Habilitation (HDR) at University of Montpellier I, Faculty of Economics
1991 PhD in Agricultural Economics at AgroParisTech
1985 Master degree in Agricultural Economics at AgroParisTech
Research Experience
2011-present Senior researcher and lecturerat the ETH - Department Environmental Sciences
& 1992-2000 Institute for Agricultural Sciences – Group “Sustainable Agro-ecosystems”
2015-present Associated Researcher at Unité Mixte de Recherches INNOVATION (CIRAD-INRA-Montpellier SupAgro)
2012-2015 Deputy DirectorFiBL– Swiss Research Institute for organic farming
2002-2010 Directorof the Agricultural Extension Service for Western Switzerland
(Service Romand de Vulgarisation Agricole, since 2007: AGRIDEA)
Committees and Task Forces
2017-present Scientific Committee at FiBL (CH), President
2016-present Scientific Committee at Ministry of Agriculture (France) for the National
Organisations of Agricultural and Rural Development (ONVAR)
2016-present Scientific Committee of the LABEX BASC – University of Saclay-CNRS-INRA-AgroParisTech
2015-2017 Scientific committee to EAAE-Congress 2017
2012-present Scientific Committee of AgroSup-Dijonin France
2008-present Swiss Federal Commission for the Swiss Accreditation Service
2010-present Expert for the AERES (Agence Française d’Evaluation de la Recherche Scientifique(evaluation of research institutions) and for CINECAin Italy
2009-present Comité Société française d’économie et de sociologie rurale
2011-present Scientific Committee of the Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at University of Zurich
2013-2015 Scientific committee of the Institute for Agricultural Sciences at ETH Zurich
2011-2015 Bioeconomy Panelof the DG Research of the European Commission
Editorial Boards
2014-present Revue d’Economie et de Sociologie Rurale (France)
Memberships in Scientific Societies
European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
Société Suisse d’économie et de sociologie rurale (SSE-SGA)
Société Française d’économie et de sociologie rurale (SFER)
Funded Federal Research Proposals as PI and Co-PI (Selected 2007-2015)
2017-present Joint FAO-ETH research project on Farm Resilience
2011-2016 Co-PI and work-package leader of the European Project GLAMUR“A comparative analysis of global versus local food supply systems“ (2.9 Mio €)
2011-2016 Co-PI and work-package leader of the European Project IMPRESA“Measurement of research impact in European agriculture“ - (2.5 Mio €)
2009-2011 PI of the European Programme (7e PCRD)FOCUS-BALKANS“Developing research tools for food consumer science in the Western Balkan Countries“ (2.5 Mio €).
1996-2014 Participation to 9 other European Research Programs (PDO-PGI, MULTIAGRI, DOLPHINS, SUS-CHAIN, IN-SIGHT, SINERGI, SOLINSA) out of them, 5 with the responsibility of a work-package – in italics) - Total Grants for my unit of research: 1.2 Mio €.
Selected International Publications
Bombaj, F., Barjolle, D., Casabianca, F., Anthopoulou, T., 2018. Albanian Municipalities facing decentralisation of pastures’ management rules. Food Systems – Systèmes Agroalimentaires. 18 p.
Barjolle D., Midmore P., Schmid O., 2018. Tracing the Pathways from Research to Innovation: Evidence from Case Studies, EuroChoices, European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE), 2017-1, pp. 11-18
Fadina R., Barjolle D., 2018. Farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change and their implications in Zou department, in south of Benin. Special Issue “Agriculture and Climate Change”, Environments 2018, 5(1), 15; https://doi.org/10.3390/environments5010015
Quiédeville S., Barjolle D., Touzard J.-M., Stolze M., 2018. Using Social Network Analysis to evaluate the Impacts of the Research based Innovation: On the transition to organic farming in the Camargue. Cahiers Agriculture, Cah Agric 27: 15012.
Frossard E, Aighewi BA, Aké S, Barjolle D., Baumann P, Bernet T, Dao D, Diby LN, Floquet A, Hgaza VK, Ilboudo LJ, Kiba DI, Mongbo RL, Nacro HB, Nicolay GL, Oka E, Ouattara YF, Pouya N, Senanayake RL, Six J and Traoré OI, 2017. The Challenge of Improving Soil Fertility in Yam Cropping Systems of West Africa. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1953. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01953
Schmitt E., Barjolle D., Six J., 2017. Assessing the degree of localness of food value chains, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, DOI:10.1080/21683565.2017.1365800.
Quiédeville S., Barjolle D., Mouret J.-C., Stolze M., 2017. Ex-post evaluation of Impacts of Science-Based Research and Innovation Program: A new method applied in the case of farmers' transition to organic production in Camargue”.Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 2017/1 (22, pp. 145-170).
Barjolle D., Quiñones-Ruiz X.-F., Bagal M., Comoe H., 2016. The Role of the State in Geographical Indications of Coffee: Case Studies from Colombia and Kenya, World Development.
Maye D., Kirwan J., Schmitt E., Keech D., Barjolle D., 2016. PDO as a mechanism for reterritorialisation and agri-food governance: a comparative analysis of cheese products in the UK and Switzerland, Special Issue "Distributed, Interconnected and Democratic Agri-Food Economies: New Directions in Research",Agriculture 2016; 6(4):54.
Schmitt E., Barjolle D., Tanquerey-Cado A., Brunori G. 2016. Sustainability comparison of a local and a global milk value chains in Switzerland. Bio-based and Applied Economics.
Schmitt, E.; Keech, D.; Maye, D.; Barjolle, D.; Kirwan, J., 2016. Comparing the Sustainability of Local and Global Food Chains: A Case Study of Cheese Products in Switzerland and the UK. Sustainability 2016, 8(5), 419;doi:10.3390/su8050419.
Brunori, G.; Galli, F.; Barjolle, D.; van Broekhuizen, R.; Colombo, L.; Giampietro, M.; Kirwan, J.; Lang, T.; Mathijs, E.; Maye, D.; de Roest, K.; Rougoor, C.; Schwarz, J.; Schmitt, E.; Smith, J.; Stojanovic, Z.; Tisenkopfs, T.; Touzard, J.-M. 2016. Are Local Food Chains More Sustainable than Global Food Chains? Considerations for Assessment.Sustainability 2016, 8, 449.
Barjolle, D., 2016, Geographical indications and Protected Designations of Origin: Intellectual Property Tools for Rural Development Objectives, Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Geographical Indications, edited by Dev Gangjee, Edward Elgar publisher, UK.
Mardon J., Thiel E., Zaouche-Laniau M., Sijtsema S., Zimmermann K., Barjolle D., 2015. Motives underlying food consumption in the Western Balkans: consumers' profiles and public health strategies, International Journal of Public Health.
Brecic R., Gorton M., Barjolle D., 2014. Understanding variations in the consumption of functional foods – evidence from Croatia. British Food Journal, Vol. 116 Iss: 4.
Brunori G., Barjolle D., Dockès A.-C., Helmle S., Ingram J., Klerkx L., Moschitz H., Nemes G., and Tisenkopfs T., 2013. “CAP Reform and Innovation: The Role of Learning and Innovation Networks.” EuroChoices.
Comoe H., Finger R., Barjolle D., 2013, Farm Management Decision and Response to Climate Variability and Change in Côte d'Ivoire, Journal of Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change. ISSN 1381-2386. Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change. DOI 10.1007/s11027-012-9436-9.
Kroll J.-C., Barjolle D., Jouen M., 2010, Politiques agricoles et de développement rural, Comparaisons entre la France et la Suisse. Economie Rurale, numéro 315, pp. 09-24, janvier-février 2010, Paris, France.
Barjolle D., Réviron S., Sylvander B., 2007, Création et distribution de valeur économique dans les filières de fromages AOP. Economies et Sociétés, Série « Systèmes agroalimentaires », AG, n°29, 9/2007, p.1507-1524.
Renting H., Oostindie H., Laurent C., Brunori G., Barjolle D., Jervell A., Granberg L. and Heinonen M., 2007, Multifunctionality of agricultural activities, changing rural identities and new institutional arrangements. Special issue of the “International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE)”, 2007 - Volume 7, Number 4-5/2008, Pages 361-385.
vertical_align_bottomCV PDF
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Number | Unit |
751-1652-00L | Food Security - From the Global to the Local Dimension |
Research Interests

Dominique is a senior researcher and gives lectures at ETH; both in agrifood sustainable value chains and in food security. She is a socio-economics and is interested in grass-root innovations where the farmers, the researchers and the advisory services share their knowledge to develop new sustainable food systems. She has skills in value chain analysis, sustainability impact assessment, food consumers science. She has written and taken part in more than 10 European Research programs, as well as coordinator and work-package leader.
2012 Habilitation (HDR) at University of Montpellier I, Faculty of Economics
1991 PhD in Agricultural Economics at AgroParisTech
1985 Master degree in Agricultural Economics at AgroParisTech
Curriculum Vitae
Download vertical_align_bottom CV Dominique Barjolle (PDF, 94 KB)Selected Publications
Schmitt, E.; Keech, D.; Maye, D.; Barjolle, D.; Kirwan, J., 2016. Comparing the Sustainability of Local and Global Food Chains: A Case Study of Cheese Products in Switzerland and the UK. Sustainability 2016, 8(5), 419; doi:10.3390/su8050419. external page http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/5/419
Brunori, G.; Galli, F.; Barjolle, D.; van Broekhuizen, R.; Colombo, L.; Giampietro, M.; Kirwan, J.; Lang, T.; Mathijs, E.; Maye, D.; de Roest, K.; Rougoor, C.; Schwarz, J.; Schmitt, E.; Smith, J.; Stojanovic, Z.; Tisenkopfs, T.; Touzard, J.-M. 2016. Are Local Food Chains More Sustainable than Global Food Chains? Considerations for Assessment. Sustainability 2016, 8, 449. external page http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/5/449
Rohrer B., Christen D., Barjolle D., 2016. Enjeux et stratégies de la filière abricot en Valais: Importance du prix producteur pour la viabilité des exploitations, Revue suisse d’arboriculture, viticulture et horticulture, Juin.
Brunori G., Barjolle D., Dockès A.-C., Helmle S., Ingram J., Klerkx L., Moschitz H., Nemes G., and Tisenkopfs T., 2013. “CAP Reform and Innovation: The Role of Learning and Innovation Networks.” EuroChoices.
Schmitt E., Comoé H., Barjolle D., 2013. Institutional Adaptive Capacity of the Ivorian Agricultural Sector Regarding Climate Change. Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture : Journal of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology.
Comoe H., Finger R., Barjolle D., 2013, Farm Management Decision and Response to Climate Variability and Change in Côte d'Ivoire, Journal of Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change. ISSN 1381-2386. Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change. DOI 10.1007/s11027-012-9436-9.
Brunori G., G. Berti, D. Barjolle, N. Curry, R. Home, D. Maye, H. Moschitz, D. Roep, L. Klerkx, T.Tisenkopfs, 2013, Learning and innovation networks for sustainable agriculture: a conceptual framework. Pisa: Laboratorio di Studi Rurali Sismondi, ISBN:978I88I908960I2I6
Barjolle, D., Jeanneaux, P., 2012, Raising Rivals Costs Strategy and Localised Agro-Food Systems in Europe, International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 3,(1), pp.11-21.
Estève M., Paus M., Bernardoni P., Barjolle D., 2011, Perspectives et limites du développement de filières sous Indications Géographiques dans les Balkans. Economie Rurale, numéro 325-326, pp. 145-157, septembre-décembre 2011, Paris.
Kroll J.-C., Barjolle D., Jouen M., 2010, Politiques agricoles et de développement rural, Comparaisons entre la France et la Suisse. Economie Rurale, numéro 315, pp. 09-24, janvier-février 2010, Paris, France.
Barjolle D., Réviron S., Sylvander B., 2007, Création et distribution de valeur économique dans les filières de fromages AOP. Economies et Sociétés, Série « Systèmes agroalimentaires », AG, n°29, 9/2007, p.1507-1524.
Renting H., Oostindie H., Laurent C., Brunori G., Barjolle D., Jervell A., Granberg L. and Heinonen M., 2007, Multifunctionality of agricultural activities, changing rural identities and new institutional arrangements. Special issue of the “International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE)”, 2007 - Volume 7, Number 4-5/2008, Pages 361-385.