PD Dr. Andreas Hund

PD Dr.  Andreas Hund

PD Dr. Andreas Hund

Privatdozent/in at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich

Professur für Kulturpflanzenwiss.

FMG C 25

Eschikon 33

8315 Lindau


Additional information

Research area

My research focus is the adaptation of crop varieties to low nitrogen input conditions and abiotic stress. I started my career with genome mapping of root development of maize. I recently changed the focus on crop development under field conditions. The aim is to i) achieve a deeper understanding about the genetic control of developmental processes during critical phases of crop development and ii) to develop genetic crop models to predict the performance of new breeding lines in a certain target environment and climate scenario. To achieve this, we continuously phenotype wheat throughout its development using the Field Phenotyping Platform (FIP) and the Phenofly infrastructure.

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