Prof. em. Dr. Dani Or

Prof. em. Dr. Dani Or
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
ETH Zürich
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Dani Or has been Full Professor for Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics at ETH Zurich since August 2008.
Dr. Dani Or received BS (1985) and MS (1987) in Soil and Water Sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his PhD in Soil Physics from Utah State University in 1990. Following postdoctoral fellowships with Hydrologic Sciences at UC Davis, and Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkley (1990-1992), he was appointed Assistant Professor of Soil Physics at the Department of Plant, Soil and Biometeorology at Utah State University, and subsequently promoted to Associate (1997) and Professor (2000). In 2002 assumed the positions of Northeast Utilities Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Environmental Engineering Program at the University of Connecticut. He joined EPF Lausanne in 2005 as Professor of Soil and Environmental Physics
Dr. Or's research focuses on mass and energy transport soils; pore scale liquid flow and retention; and on interfaces between pore scale physical processes and biological activity in soils. Dr. Or authored and co-authored over 140 refereed publications, co-authored a book, and over 180 proceeding papers and abstracts. Dr. Or's research was supported by NASA; NSF, USDA, and BARD and recently by Swiss NSF and ETH-CCES. Dr. Or mentors 5 PhD students and two post-docs. Dr. Or is Co-Editor of the Vadose Zone Journal. He served as a member of the Steering Board for the ETH domain Competence Center for Environment and Sustainability. He was the 2002 chair of the S-1 (Soil Physics) division of the Soil Science Society of America, the recipient of the Kirkham Soil Physics Award (2001), Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America (2004), and in 2005 he was inducted to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. He was elected chair of the 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media (Oxford, UK), and was recently selected to deliver the 2008 Nyle C. Brady Frontiers of Soil Science Lectureship. For additional information: Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics (STEP)