Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul

Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul

Full Professor at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich


CHN G 74.1

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Jaboury Ghazoul has been Full Professor for Ecosystem Management at the Department of Environmental Sciences at ETH Zurich since October 2005.

Jaboury was born in 1967 in Iraq and moved to the UK in 1980. He received his PhD from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, in evolutionary ecology of wasps. Thereafter he spent a year in Vietnam leading biodiversity survey work with the Vietnamese Ministry of Forestry, returning to London to work as a postdoc at the Natural History Museum from where he ran a CIFOR project addressing impacts of logging on forest tree reproduction in Thailand. He was appointed Lecturer in Ecology at Imperial College London in 1998 and to Senior Lecturer in 2003. At Imperial he developed both basic and applied research in ecology and environment at locations throughout the tropics as well as the UK.

His research at ETH Zurich is on plant reproductive processes both in natural and human dominated environments. Elements of this research extend to plant genetics, conservation and human livelihoods. He was Editor-in-Chief of he journal Biotropica between 2006 and 2013. He is currently also a member of the Expert Committee on Forest Science for the UK Forest Commission, and holds the Prince Bernhard Chair of Internationlal Nature Conservation at Utrecht University. His wider interests include geology, marine biology, political history, the Scottish Highlands and, above all, his family.


Year Distinction
2015 Prince Bernhard Chair for International Nature Conservation, Utrecht University
2015 President of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation
2014 Member of the Expert Committee on Forest Science (UK Forest Commission)
2013 ATBC award for Excellent Service
2011 ETH Zurich Golden Owl Award for teaching

Course Catalogue

Jaboury Ghazoul is a plant ecologist working mostly in the tropics on plant reproductive ecology. He has a hard time with his children.

You can follow him on twitter @JabouryGhazoul

Curriculum Vitae

Jaboury Ghazoul received his PhD in 1993 from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, on the evolutionary ecology of social behaviour of sphecid wasps, under the supervision of Prof. Pat Willmer.

Thereafter he spent a year in Vietnam (1993-1994) leading biodiversity survey work with the Vietnamese Ministry of Forestry. He returned to London to work as a postdoc at the Natural History Museum (1995-1998) from where he ran a CIFOR research project addressing the impacts of logging on dipterocarp tree reproduction in Thailand.

He was appointed Lecturer in Tropical Forest Ecology at Imperial College London in 1998, and Senior Lecturer from 2003. At Imperial he developed both basic and applied research in ecology and environment at locations throughout the tropics.

He was appointed Professor of Ecosystem Management at ETH Zurich in October 2005.

Since July 2015, he holds the Prince Bernhard Chair of International Nature Conservation, at Utrecht University, a position that is sponsored by WWF Netherlands.

Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul

Jaboury has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal Biotropica from 2006 to 2013, and in 2015 he is the President of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC).

His main research interests are pollination ecology and plant reproduction, ecosystem services in agroforestry systems, and conservation ecology of tropical trees in landscape mosaics. His wider interests include geology, marine biology, political history, walking aimlessly in the Scottish Highlands and, above all, family.

Selected Recent Publications

Ghazoul, J. (2015) Forests: A Very Short Introduction. OUP. external page Check it out!

Ghazoul, J. et al. (2015) Conceptualizing forest degradation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. In press.

Magrach, A. and Ghazoul, J. (2015) external page Climate and Pest-Driven Geographic Shifts in Global Coffee Production: Implications for Forest Cover, Biodiversity and Carbon Storage. Plos ONE,10(7):e0133071. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0133071

Download Boreux, V., Kushalappa, G.C., Vaast P. andGhazoul, J.(2013) Interactive effects among ecosystem services and management practices on crop production: pollination in coffee agroforestry systems. PNAS, 110, 8387-8392 (PDF, 669 KB)

Boreux, V., Krishnan, S., Kushalappa, C.G. and Ghazoul, J. (2013) Bee visitation and coffee fruit set in response to forest cover and coffee agro-forest management practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 172, 42-48.

Finger, A., Kettle, C.J., Kaiser-Bunbury, C.N. and Ghazoul, J. (2012) Forest fragmentation genetics in a formerly widespread island endemic tree: Vateriopsis seychellarum (Dipterocarpaceae). Molecular Ecology, 21, 2369-2382.

Ghazoul, J. (2013) Pollination decline in context. Science, 340, 923-924.

Ghazoul, J. (2012) The challenge of inferring palaeoclimates from extant plant distributions: an example from Dipterocarpus. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 173, 80-81.

Hennig, E.I. and Ghazoul, J. (2012) Pollinating animals in the urban environment. Urban Ecosystems, 15, 149-166.

Krishnan, S., Kushalappa, C.G., Uma Shaanker, R. and Ghazoul, J. (2012) Status of pollinators and their efficiency in coffee fruit set in a fragmented landscape mosaic in South India. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13, 277-285.

Download Sayer, J., Sunderland, T.,Ghazoul, J., et al. (2013) The landscape approach: ten principles to apply at the nexus of agriculture, conservation and other competing land-uses. PNAS, 110, 8349-8356 (PDF, 615 KB)

Enlarged view: Working hard in the Seychelles
Working hard in the Seychelles