Course structure  

The Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences requires 180 credits, which are to be gained by obtaining at least the minimum number of credits in the following categories and sub-categories. 

During the first two years, students will be taught the basic principles of chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, environmental systems science and IT. Their basic knowledge of these disciplines will be put in a wider context during the year-long course in Environmental Problem Solving and in lectures, practical courses and field trips.

At least 56 CP (credits) must be gained on the basic courses I and at least 47 CP on the basic courses II.

The specialisations (majors) give a deeper insight into one particular exemplary environmental system, such as atmosphere and climate or forest and landscape. They form the main focus of the study programme during the third year. Each system specialisation includes theoretical, methodological and practical training elements.

A total of 25 CP must be gained in the student’s chosen specialisation, of which at least 12 CP come from core subjects, 7 CP from practical courses and 6 CP from seminars.

Further details about the five specialisations

The social sciences and humanities study programme consists of compulsory and elective courses which are taught throughout the Bachelor’s study programme.
Altogether, the social sciences and humanities courses account for 19 CP, with at least 13 CP assigned to compulsory courses. The remaining 6 CP remain for the electives.

The natural sciences and technical electives cover a wide range of subjects, enabling students to choose their own focus areas in scientific and / or technical fields. The relevant course units can be chosen individually during the second and third years of their study programme. For each specialisation, certain teaching units are highlighted as particularly recommended.

23 CP must be gained from the natural science and technical electives.

The Bachelor’s thesis is usually written in the third year of the Bachelor's degree programme. The duration of the Bachelor's thesis is limited to a maximum of nine months.

Structure of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Environmental Sciences, programme regulations 2016 from Autumn Semester 2019
Structure of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Environmental Sciences, programme regulations 2016 for Autumn Semester 2019


Study administration
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  • +41 44 633 60 82

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8092 Zürich

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