Bachelor’s thesis (until FS 23)

The Bachelor's thesis is an independently written scientific work. It is supervised by a lecturer in the Environmental Sciences programme.The bachelor thesis can be written either as a large thesis (10 CP) or as two small papers (5 CP each).  

Through the Bachelor’s thesis student learn

  • to address an issue using scientific methods and concepts;
  • to author a report according to scientific standards;
  • to cite literature sources correctly.

Depending on the orientation of the thesis, students develop these skills in the context of an empirical study, a literature review, a planning or design task, or a practical project.

  • A thesis in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences generally addresses a theme at the interface of social sciences and the humanities, the environment and sustainability. It deploys sociological and humanistic tools of data collection, analysis and interpretation.
  • A thesis in the Natural Sciences area addresses a theme at the interface of natural sciences, environment and sustainability. It deploys scientific tools of data collection, analysis and interpretation.
  • A thesis in the area of Technical Electives addresses the environmental effects of a particular use of technology, in the form of an analysis, an assessment or the future design of a particular use. Interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary theses merge findings from various areas to address an overarching issue, or include social players.
  • Bachelor’s theses are normally written in the third year of studies, but thesis work may begin in the second year. It is recommended that students undertake examination blocks 1, 2, and 3 before beginning the Bachelor’s thesis.
  • A Bachelor’s thesis usually comprises an illustrated text of 15-20 pages (short thesis) or 30-40 pages (long thesis). The estimated workload is between 150 hours (short thesis) and 300 hours (long thesis).
  • Models for Bachelor’s theses are scientific publications and environmental reports. Other forms may be selected in consultation with the supervisor (e.g. some theses have already involved planning, conducting and evaluating local Agenda 21 activities; role-playing; and the writing of film scripts). The format of the Bachelor's thesis should be determined with the supervisor right at the beginning.
  • Theses may be authored individually or in the context of group work; group work theses are more comprehensive. 
  • Bachelor’s theses may be written in German or English.


All professors and faculty involved in teaching the degree programme in Environmental Sciences are entitled to supervise Bachelor’s theses.

  • Bachelor’s theses in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences may only be supervised by lecturers teaching in this area
  • Bachelor’s theses in the area of Natural Sciences and Technical Electives may only be supervised by lecturers teaching in the area of natural sciences, systems or technology.

Requests for a thesis to be supervised by a person without ETH faculty status should proceed using the form Download Supervisors not listed in myStudies (PDF, 123 KB).

  • The student selects one supervisor and together they establish the topic and form of the thesis.
  • Please register the thesis in myStudies and provide the name of the supervisor (regular subscription to 701-0010-02/03/10).
  • At least three supervisory consultations should take place during thesis work, plus further discussions if necessary.-Introductory discussion: Requirements, faculty expectations, particular standards if any, delineation of the theme, thesis plan, important literature-Mid-thesis discussion: Check of whether thesis work is on the right track, especially of whether the topic is being addressed using the appropriate means and in the required detail, and whether there are difficulties or uncertainties-Concluding discussion:Comprehensive feedback on the content and formal quality of the thesis, with the possibility of suggesting additions and corrections
  • In order to avoid extending the work excessively a Download project agreement with (PDF, 1.2 MB) the supervisor is recommended.
  • An integral part of every Bachelor's thesis is a Declaration of originality form.
  • The final, definitive version of the thesis is graded by the supervisor. A signed declaration of originality must also be included in the electronic versions. 
  • The form of submission (printed, bound, PDF, etc.) of the Bachelor’s thesis needs to be agreed with the supervisor.
  • Additionally, the Bachelor’s thesis must be handed in as a PDF document to the Study Administration: .
  • The student normally receives concluding feedback in written form or in a further meeting.

The front page must contain the following information (there is no layout restriction):

  • ETH Logo
  • Thesis type (Bachelor's thesis)
  • Name of the student
  • Student ID no.
  • Degree Programme Environmental Sciences
  • Title of the Bachelor's thesis
  • Supervisor and Advisor, with their academic institution (both could grade the thesis)
  • Date of submission (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Note "Confidential" (only if asked)

Download Sample front page (PDF, 316 KB)

Bachelor's thesis external page Overleaf design template

Bachelor’s theses are assessed according to the following equally weighted criteria. However, the weight of criterion 5 also depends on the task at hand.

1) Content

  •  How far does it address the issue?
  •  Originality of the thesis
  •  Practical relevance of the findings (particularly for theses in the technological area)
  •  Assertions and conclusions are backed up by facts and arguments

2) Transparency/Reproduciblity

  •  The data and statements cited are imparted in the author’s own words or quoted verbatim, and their sources provided correctly.
  •  Data collection and analysis has been performed correctly.
  •  Established knowledge, facts and doctrines are distinguished from suppositions and personal opinions
  •  The methods and theoretical bases deployed are obvious.

3) Communicative quality of the report

  • The report is logically structured and intelligibly written, in a manner appropriate to its target audience.
  • The findings are arranged clearly. 
  • There is a meaningful summary.
  • The layout is attractive.

4) Formal quality of the report

  • Citation rules have been adhered to.
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct according to Duden rules.

5) Independence in the working process

Unless otherwise agreed, the grade will be announced through myStudies no later than 4 weeks after submission of the thesis.

  • A major Bachelor's thesis that has not fulfilled the aforementioned criteria can only be repeated once. In case of a repetition, a new topic has to be selected.
  • A small Bachelor's thesis that has not fulfilled the aforementioned criteria can only be repeated once; this applies equally to each of the two papers. In case of a repetition, a new topic has to be pursued within the respective topic area.

For detailed information please see our Study guide (in German).

  • Administration office:
  • Here you will also find an overview of all documents.
  • "Ready for take-off: how to start your Bachelor's and Master's thesis” : Moodle-Link
  • An event presenting information about the bachelor's thesis will take place in the Seminar for Bachelor Students during the 5th semester.


Study administration
CHN H42.2
  • +41 44 633 60 82

Study administration
Universitätsstrasse 16
8092 Zürich

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