Bachelor’s thesis (from HS 23)

The Bachelor's thesis is an independently written scientific work. This can be an empirical investigation, a literature study, a planning task or a practical project.

By writing a Bachelor's thesis (BA), the students learn to

- tackle a problem with scientific methods and concepts,
- write a report according to scientific standards,
- and to quote correctly from the literature.

  • Together with the supervisor, the students determine the topic and the form of the BA.
  • A BA in social sciences and humanities deals with a question at the interface between social and humanities studies as well as the environment and sustainability. Social and humanities methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation are used.
  • A BA in natural sciences deals with a topic at the interface between natural sciences, environment and sustainability. Natural science methods of data collection, evaluation and interpretation are used.
  • A BA in engineering deals with the environmental impacts of a human technical activity. It can be an analysis, an assessment or the future design of this activity.
  • In inter- or transdisciplinary works, insights from different disciplines are brought together or social actors are included in the work.
  • The BA is usually carried out in the third year of studies.
  • The BA results in 10 CP. This corresponds to a workload of approx. 300 hours (approx. 7.5 weeks full-time).
  • A maximum of 9 months (38 weeks) is available for completing the BA. The Download mandatory schedule (PDF, 325 KB) should be designed for a maximum of 6 months, so that a time buffer is planned for unforeseen events. If the BA is conducted in a high part-time or full-time capacity, the processing time is correspondingly shorter.
  • Prerequisites for starting the BA are the successful first year examination and at least 110 CP in the BSc degree programme Environmental Sciences. It is recommended to successfully complete examination blocks 1, 2 and 3 before starting the BA. Additionally, the specialisation must be entered in myStudies before registering for the Bachelor's thesis.
  • In myStudies, the BA (701-0010-10) is taken as work.
  • The start date is entered by the student. Further details such as the name and email of the supervisor and the title of the BA are also required
  • When enrolling in the BA, a Download mandatory schedule (PDF, 325 KB) must be uploaded. If the supervisor requires a research plan (1-2 A4 pages; in agreement with the supervisor), this document must also be uploaded in addition to the time schedule.


  • Basically, all professors and lecturers involved in the teaching of the Environmental Sciences degree programme are authorized to supervise a BA.
  • It is strongly recommended that the supervisor and the student fill out and sign the Download Agreement (PDF, 480 KB).
  • No external supervisors are allowed.
  • Responsibility for BA in social sciences and humanities can only be assumed by supervisors who teach in this field. The same applies to BA in natural sciences and technology.

Supervisor and coach:

  • The supervisor has the official and formal responsibility for the BA. She/he is a professor or lecturer at D-USYS. A supervisor can be involved in the BA very closely or choose a coach for this purpose.
  • A coach is a scientific staff member qualified in the field of BA. The coach conducts regular meetings with the student and supports her/him in the implementation and elaboration of the BA.

Within the BA, at least three supervision meetings take place with the supervisor or the coach, if the supervisor does not take over the supervision him-/herself.

  • An initial meeting focuses on requirements, expectations of the supervisor, special standards if applicable, delimitation of the topic, time schedule and research plan, important literature.
  • The meeting in the course of the work is to check whether the BA is on the "right track", whether the topic is being treated correctly, with suitable means and the appropriate level of detail and  if there are difficulties or uncertainties.
  • The third meeting takes place after the BA has been handed in. It serves to give the student comprehensive feedback on the quality of the work in terms of content, form and on the work process (incl. grading).
  • Students can submit a draft of the BA and receive qualified feedback.
  • The supervisor ensures that regular supervision takes place during the BA.
  • The BA is often structured conventionally: An introduction with question is followed by a methodological part, results, discussion, conclusion and list of literature. In consultation with the supervisor, however, alternative formats such as essay, literature review, technical report or script are also possible. The format of the BA should be determinded with the supervisor right at the beginning.
  • The BA can also be carried out as a group work if the supervisor agrees.
  • The BA can be written in a national language or in English in consultation with the supervisor.
  • The latest possible submission date is calculated from the start date plus 38 weeks.
  • The form in which the BA must be submitted (printed, bound, as PDF, etc.) is discussed with the supervisor.
  • The signed Download Declaration of Originality (PDF, 183 KB) is part of the BA.
  • In addition, the BA must be sent to the Study Administration as a PDF document:

A deadline extension is only possible in exceptional cases. The Director of Studies decides on requests in consultation with the supervisor.

The front page must contain the following information:

  • ETH Logo
  • Type of thesis (Bachelor's thesis)
  • Name of the student
  • Student ID no.
  • Degree Programme Environmental Sciences
  • Title of the Bachelor's thesis

  • Supervisor, with the academic institution (group, institute)
  • Coach, with the academic institution (only if available; does not give an evaluation)
  • Date of submission (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Note "Confidential" (only if asked)

There are no restrictions on the design regarding order, image, logo (not ETH) etc.

Download Sample front page (PDF, 316 KB)

Bachelor's thesis external page Overleaf design template

The submitted BA is graded by the supervisor according to the criteria listed below, which are usually equally weighted. The weight of criterion 5 may depend on the assignment.

1) Content

  • Contribution to answering the research question
  • Originality of the work
  • Practical relevance of the results (especially for theses in the technical field)
  • Assertions and conclusions are backed up by facts and arguments.

2) Transparency/Reproduciblity

  •  The data and statements used are substantiated by sources and reproduced in their own language or as verbatim quotations.
  • Data collection and analysis are correct.
  • Assured knowledge, facts and doctrines are separated from assumptions and own thoughts.
  • It is evident which methods or theoretical foundations were used.  

3) Communicative quality  

  • The BA is - in relation to the addressees - logically structured and written in an understandable way.
  • The findings are clearly presented.
  • There is a scientifically sound discussion.
  • There is a meaningful summary.
  • The layout is appealing.

4) Formal quality  

  • The texts are written independently or marked as citations.
  • The rules of citation are respected.
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct.

5) Independence in the working process

  • Did the student contribute his/her own ideas and creative thinking to the BA?
  • Has feedback and criticism been implemented and processed constructively?
  • The weight of criterion 5 depends on the assignment.

Unless otherwise agreed, the grade will be announced through myStudies no later than 4 weeks after submission of the thesis.


A non-passed BA can be repeated once. In case of a repetition, a new topic must be worked on with a different supervisor. Further information regarding the repetition of the BA is described in the Studienreglement (in German).

  • Study administration:
  • Download Schedule (PDF, 325 KB) and Download Declaration of Originality (PDF, 183 KB) for the Bachelor's thesis
  • "Ready for take-off: How to start your Bachelor's and Master's thesis”: Moodle-Link
  • Information on the Bachelor's thesis is given in the Bachelor's seminar of the specialisation in the 5th semester.



Study administration
CHN H42.2
  • +41 44 633 60 82

Study administration
Universitätsstrasse 16
8092 Zürich

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