Participants' profile

Target group

European and Swiss professionals from private and public sectors, who share a common vision about their roles in the socio-​economic-environmental transition towards net zero emissions. They who want to lead the climate transition, to learn to develop impactful solutions, and to work collaboratively.

The CAS ETH in Climate Innovation is of interest for participants who want to make a difference in their company.

Take a look at the short statement by Anna Oetinger on what she gained from participating in the CAS ETH in Climate Innovation in 2024.

The programme is appreciated by participants who want to reorient themselves and gain more impact in a new professional setting.

Have a look at Marc-André Böhlen's story below. He founded his own company after participating in the programme in 2024.

Participants' backgrounds (2023–2025)

Employment areas

We thrive to grow a network of like-minded people with the most diverse background. The word cloud shows previous participants' field of work when they entered the programme.

Graphic showing participants employment areas in a wordcloud
Participants' employment areas when entering the programme (Graphic:

Female participation percentage


ETH Zurich is commited to equal opportunities and values diversity.
(Data from participants 2023–2025)

Participants' education

Graphic showing field of participant's highest education degree; From biggest to smallest: Business and Management, Environmental and Natural Sciences, Economics and Law, Engineering, Others
Field of participant's highest education degree (data from participants 2023–2025)

Age distribution

Average age: 38 years

Age range from 28 to 61 years

(Data from participants 2023–2025)

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