
The doctoral programme is conducted in one of our research groups. It contains a combination of research, study and a small portion of teaching. A doctorate at D-USYS takes three or four years, on average.

Doctoral Administration D-USYS

Madlaina Gartmann
CHN H 47
  • +41 44 632 25 23
  • Monday to Wednesday on site
  • Thursday in home office
Prisca Rohr-Steinmann
CHN H 42.2
  • +41 44 632 52 88
  • Thursday on site
  • Friday in home office

In consultation with the doctoral student, the supervisor must appoint an academically qualified person to act as a second advisor. The second advisor maintains contact with the doctoral student and advises the student, particularly in academic matters. A professorship is not required. Second advisors may be internal or external and dispose of a PhD. The second advisor must be notified to Academic Services prior to the aptitude colloquium using the official form.

Specific roles of the second advisor:

  • the second advisor is part of the aptitude committee.
  • the second advisor can be present during the first part of the annual status conversation between doctoral student and supervisor.
  • the second advisor must receive the progress report and the report on the status conversation for information purposes.
  • if disagreement or conflicts arise between the doctoral thesis supervisor and the doctoral student, the second advisor will seek to settle die dispute amicably between the parties.

If the second advisor is also acting as co-examiner, please submit the form for approval of co-examinors in addition.

In addition to the second advisor, doctoral students have the right throughout their doctorate to request a further person to be available to them for additional specialised or non-​specialised advice and support. This further advisor must be reported to the Central Doctoral Administration Office using the official Download form (PDF, 232 KB). You must also inform the supervisor of your doctoral thesis and the second advisor of this person.

Please note:

  • The further advisor assists the doctoral student academically and non-​academically throughout the entire doctoral period until graduation.
  • In principle the further advisor is not a member of the aptitude committee. If this is desired, the authorisation of your doctoral thesis supervisor and your department's doctoral committee is needed. Please contact the doctoral administration of your department for this.
  • The further advisor is not automatically involved in the annual progress report and the annual status conversation. If this is desired, coordinate that with your doctoral thesis supervisor.
  • The further advisor is not a co-​examiner at the final doctoral defense. However, he/she can certainly take on this role if he/she meets the requirements for it. 

Doctoral students who were admitted after 1 January 2022 will pursue regular doctoral studies according to the new regulations. Doctoral students who were admitted provisionally – but not yet definitively – before 1 January 2022 can choose whether they will pursue regular doctoral studies according to the new regulations or according to the previous regulations.

To obtain the minimum 12 ECTS credits required in regular doctoral studies, the doctoral student must either pass a performance assessment or demonstrate an active, verifiable contribution. One ECTS credit generally corresponds to a workload of 25–30 hours. Credits must be earned in each of the following three categories:

  • Consolidation of knowledge in the research area of the doctoral thesis and the extension of knowledge beyond the original discipline, e.g., through attendance of courses designed especially for doctoral students, regular Master’s degree courses or courses from the third year of Bachelor’s degree studies.
  • Acquisition of transferable skills, e.g., by attending soft-skills courses or participating in ETH Zurich bodies or committees. 
  • Integration into the scientific community, e.g., by attending international conferences.

Doctoral students must acquire at least 1 ECTS credit by attending a course on the topic of ethics and good scientific practice. This academic achievement falls under category b (transferable skills).

The following achievements/activities are excluded from counting towards the 12 ECTS credits for regular doctoral studies:

  • Achievements before entering the doctorate;
  • Achievements in the framework of multiple matriculations at another level of studies, except for credits earned in the context of teacher training / Teaching Certificate courses;
  • Participation in seminars/courses of the individual professorship, such as group meetings, retreats etc.;
  • Participation in teaching;
  • Attendance of courses with no verification of personal performance.

As soon as you have earned the 12 credit points, you can request for completion of your doctoral studies in myStudies. Check your transcript of records and edit it if necessary using the "Assign category" function.

The examination copy of the doctoral thesis must be submitted in electronic form by the doctoral student to the examination committee and the D-USYS Doctoral Administration at least 20 working days before the examination.

Registration must take place at least 15 working days before the examination date and involves submitting the Download title page (PDF, 121 KB) of the thesis and the official Academic Services form. The two documents must be submitted in electronic form to the ETH Doctoral Administration and the D-USYS Doctoral Administration ( / ).

The reports must be submitted in electronic form to the D-USYS Doctoral Administration at least 5 working days before the examination by the examination committee.  

Registration for the doctoral examination may only proceed with the consent of the doctoral thesis supervisor and in consultation with the co-examiners.

The doctoral examination is open to the public; it is announced on the department's website.

If you wish to change the supervisor for your thesis project, you need the agreement of the new supervisor. Please submit the form Download Change of supervisor (PDF, 549 KB) to the Doctoral Administration Office, signed by the new and if possible the former supervisor.

If it becomes apparent that you will not be able to finish your doctorate within the maximum period of 6 years, a well-founded Download request for extension of deadline for doctoral studies (PDF, 2.6 MB) is to be handed in to the Doctoral Administration D-USYS.

If you withdraw from your doctorate prematurely, it is not enough simply not to enroll for any more semesters. Your withdrawal must be reported to the Doctoral Administration Office using the form Download Withdrawal declaration for doctoral students (PDF, 889 KB). It is only when you have submitted the form, together with your ETH card, that you will officially be dematriculated.


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