Research Foci
Research in the Department of Environmental Systems Science is focused on five strategic research issues which are carried out across six institutes.
Climate Change
The research focus «Climate Change» is aimed at improving our understanding of the climate system and finding better ways of predicting its development, taking into account the physical, chemical and biological processes which occur in the atmosphere, oceans, on land and on ice sheets. Climate Change
Food Security
In the research focus «Food Security» process- and system-oriented approaches are being used to gain a better understanding of agroecosystems and improve the ways in which food is produced, thus enabling food production to be intensified sustainably. Food Security
Sustainable Resource Use
The research focus of «Sustainable Resource Use» is on promoting efficient and sustainable use of natural resources in order to secure the availability of food, animal feed and renewable raw materials while maintaining soil fertility and the supply of clean drinking water. Sustainable Resource Use
Biological Diversity and Adaptation
The research focus «Biological Diversity and Adaptation» concentrates on the question of how ecosystems react to environmental changes and how they can adapt to them. BiologicalDiversity and Adaptation
Ecosystem Processes and Services
Within the focus «Ecosystem Processes and Services», the researchers develop and disseminate basic knowledge and tools to ensure the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and protect the services they provide for humankind. Ecosystem Processes and Services