Good Scientific Practice (GSP)

Do you have questions about good scientific practice (GSP)? Diana Santelia and Zamin A. Kanji are your contact persons. They are the new Research Integrity Advisors (RIA) for the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS).

Do you need information on matters related to authorship or the use of research data? Are you looking for advice or structured knowledge about good scientific practice (GSP)? Please contact our new RIA team in the D-USYS department.

PD Dr. Diana Santelia
Privatdozentin am Departement D-USYS
  • +41 44 632 89 27
  • vCard Download

CHN G 35.2

Dr. Zamin A Kanji
Dozent am Departement D-USYS
  • +41 44 633 6161
  • vCard Download

CHN O 12.3

In addition to the GWP delegates, the Research Integrity Advisors (RIA) provide information, advice and training on departmental level.

With the RIA service, ETH Zurich aims to further embed the culture of scientific integrity and discipline-specific good scientific practice in day-to-day research.

Further information

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