Master’s thesis
The Master’s thesis is an academic work written independently, and is normally written in the thematic area of the student’s chosen specialisation. The Master's thesis marks the completion of the Master’s degree programme.
The master thesis includes the scientific written work and an oral presentation.
Please note the Download implementation provisions (PDF, 104 KB) concerning the Master's thesis and Master's degree.
1. The available topics for Master’s theses are set out by professors of the agricultural sciences degree programme, and may be requested directly from them. A senior person, i.e. supervisor is responsible for deciding the scope of tasks and adherence to the timeline of the thesis. The Master's thesis is written in English, but in exceptional cases can also be written in one of the CH national languages.
2. Before starting the thesis, students must register the Master’s thesis with the agricultural sciences study administration using the registration form provided. The proposed Master’s theses are submitted to the departmental conference for approval.
3. Students register for the Master’s thesis in myStudies after submitting the registration form. The agricultural sciences study administration confirms the documentation once approval has been given by the departmental conference.
4. The Master’s thesis accounts for 30 credit points (900 working hours), which corresponds to an average workload of six months (28 weeks = 6 months + 2 weeks holidays)
5. Students must write the Master’s thesis independently. The supervisor’s role is to ensure that the necessary infrastructure (laboratory, etc.) is available and to review the progress of the work.
6. Components and grading:
- The written scientific report is worth 80% of the grade. Both the supervisor and co-supervisor evaluate and grade the thesis, usually within 4–6 weeks of submission.
- A closing presentation of 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion in front of a panel of experts makes up the remaining 20% of the grade. Both the supervisor and co-supervisor grade the presentation.
7. The Master’s thesis shall begin once the criteria in accordance with Art. 32 have been fulfilled. The submission deadline for the Master’s thesis is based upon the information provided on the registration form. The supervisor may apply for an extension of the deadline with the AGRW study administration, if justified.
8. The condition for participation in the Master's ceremony is that the diploma request has been submitted approximately 2 months before the Master's ceremony (the exact date will be published on the website of the degree program).
9. Submission of the Master’s thesis: The Student submits her/his MSc thesis (incl. project description and declaration of originality - to be inserted before the table of contents) as PDF to the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor with cc to Study Administration () at latest until 23:59:59 of the submission deadline. The Student clarifies with both the Supervisor and the Co-Supervisor whether she/he additionally wants a hardcopy.
10. The AGRW study administration determines the weighted average of the two grades from the written thesis and presentation, records the grade and enters it in the performance assessment system. The students receive the assessments sheets with the evaluations of the written thesis and the presentation made by the supervisor and the co-supervisor.
Eligibility: Students are eligible to do a Master’s thesis only after having:
- successfully completed the Bachelor’s degree programme
- satisfied any additional requirements for admission to the degree programme
- obtained at least 60 credits on the Master’s degree programme (at least 30 CP of courses and 30 CP internship stay)
- completed the mandatory professional internship (internship stay) and handed in all documents, except presentation
Registering: Students must register their Master’s thesis with the Study Administration Office before they start. (Master thesis at Partner university? Info)
To register, fill in the registration form Download registration form (PDF, 669 KB), sign it and hand it in to the Study Administration Office. Students can enter their Master’s thesis themselves in myStudies.
Guidance: Professors who teach in the Agricultural Sciences degree programme are entitled to act as supervisors that provide guidance for Master’s theses. Also entitled are Senior Researchers elected from the Agrarkommission. (see the names in the registration form)
The Master's thesis is written in English, but in exceptional cases can also be written in one of the CH national languages.
Supervision: The Master’s thesis is jointly supervised with a co-supervisor. The thesis may also be supervised by a third person (advisor) in some cases. (Note: only the supervisor and co-supervisor grade the thesis)
Topic: Professors should be contacted directly to ask for Master’s thesis topics. The supervisor for the Master’s thesis defines the scope of tasks. The Master’s thesis is normally written in the subject area of the student’s chosen major.
Some useful links to look for topics:
- Moodle Platform D-USYS
- external page SiROP
- Consumer Behavior
- Tdlab
- Grassland Sciences
- Crop Science
- Molecular Plant Breeding
- Plant Nutrition
You may also visit the pages of the research groups in the Institute for Agricultural Sciences for more information.
Still not clear what you are looking for? Maybe the titles of current and previous Master’s thesis presentations will help you.
Duration and Scope: The maximum time permitted for writing the Master’s thesis is six months (full-time study - 900 working hours, which corresponds to an average workload of six months {28 weeks = 6 months + 2 weeks holidays}). The Master’s thesis comprises a written report, an oral presentation, and the design and presentation of a poster. There are deadlines for starting and finishing the written work. The Master’s thesis is worth 30 credits.
Submission: The Student submits her/his MSc thesis (incl. project description and declaration of originality - to be inserted before the table of contents) as PDF to the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor with cc to Study Administration () at latest until 23:59:59 of the submission deadline. The Student clarifies with both the Supervisor and the Co-Supervisor whether she/he additionally wants a hardcopy.
⇒ Extension of the deadline: An Download extension of the deadline (PDF, 116 KB) is possible due to health reasons, unpredictable forces of nature (e.g. frost) or unpredictable technical problems and is to be submitted to the Study Coordination with the agreement of the supervisor. The Study Director decides on the possible extension.
The Master’s thesis is written independently. Students are therefore required to sign a Download declaration of originality (PDF, 183 KB). The declaration of originality must be included/bound with the thesis.
Although there is no layout restriction, the front page of the thesis must contain the following information:
- ETH Logo
- Thesis type (Master's thesis)
- Name of the student
- Student ID number
- Degree Programme (Agricultural Sciences)
- Title of the Master's thesis
- Supervisor and co-Supervisor, with their academic affiliation
- Advisor’s name and academic affiliation (if applicable)
- Date of submission (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Note "Confidential" *
(*only if requested)
The supervisor and co-supervisor each grade the thesis. The final grade of the Master’s thesis is calculated proportionately from the grade of the written thesis (80%) and the oral presentation (20%). The criteria for assessing the written thesis and presentation can be found on the grade sheet.(Download in German (PDF, 36 KB) / Download in English (PDF, 34 KB))
With the agreement of the supervisor, an excellent Master’s thesis can be published in the Research Collection ETH. You can find further information on the webpage:
Enrolled Master’s students who are Swiss citizens may submit an application to the Hochstrasser-Stiftung foundation for a contribution to living costs and travel expenses (excluding food) if they do their Master’s thesis abroad. The application form can be obtained from Ms. at the Agricultural Sciences administrative office in LFW C3.
Students of other nationalities: Information for travel grants, see leaflet
⇒ Note: Only one application can be submitted during the Master's program, either for the Master's thesis or for the professional internship. If an application has already been submitted in the Bachelor's program, then no further application can be submitted in the Master's program or internship, as an application can only be submitted once during the entire course of study.
Study Administration Agricultural Sciences
Universitätstrasse 2
LFW C 13.1