Compulsory Courses

In the Master's programme in Agricultural Sciences there are compulsory courses in the methodological area of competence for all specialisations in order to work on cross-thematic projects with students from other disciplines in interdisciplinary teams. Students have three courses to choose from:

The «Agro-Food Projects» (751-1000-00) plays a central role in this process and students are recommended to participate. Applied questions are dealt with in teams with students of food science.

This course can be replaced by the courses 751-5201-00 «Tropical Cropping Systems» or 701-1502-00 «Transdisciplinary Case Study». However, only a limited number of places is available for these two courses.

In the course "Practical Agro-Food Projects" (751-1000-00), students of agricultural and food sciences work in project teams on real issues from the agro-food sector. They develop scientifically sound, practical solutions and apply the technical, methodological, social and personal skills acquired during their studies and in the course.

The course is divided into semester-accompanying events on Thursdays from 12:00 - 16:00 and four full-day block days in June, which take place in the third week after the end of each semester. The course is taught in German.

The course "Practical Agro-Food Projects" teaches students of agricultural and food sciences the ability to work in teams on real issues from the agro-food sector. Students expand and deepen the diverse skills they have acquired during their studies. They learn to structure, coordinate and carry out project work independently in order to solve complex tasks. They develop scientifically sound, practical solution proposals and present these to the practice partner and a broad specialist audience. Four predefined delivery objects serve to structure the project work. During the project work, the student teams are accompanied and supported by coaches from both fields of study.

Students regularly reflect on the progress of the project and the collaboration within the student team, with their practice partner and with their coaches. They draw conclusions for further work on the current project and with regard to their actions in future team and project work. In addition, two student teams accompany each other during the project work and provide each other with well-founded feedback on the progress and outcome of the project. In this way, students deepen their ability to communicate constructively and comprehensibly and to deal with feedback.

Further information see Course Catalouge

Semester-accompanying event in spring semester, block days during the semester, 3 weeks project work June/July. Application necessary!

The transdisciplinary case study (tdCS) is part of the minor "TDforSD" in both Master programs of D-​USYS (environmental and agricultural sciences) but can be selected as elective course by all Master students from ETH, especially as well from Master students in D-​BAUG (e.g. environmental engineering).

The course is taught exclusively in English.

Further information see Homepage



Partly semester-accompanying course (751-5201-10L) in the fall semester, excursion alternately in Kenya and Ethiopia, approx. 2 weeks. Application necessary!

Further information see Course Catalogue


⇒ The course 751-3801-00L Experimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem Science is mandatory for the Plant Science major.

Further information see Course Catalogue



Contact Agro-Food Projects

Dr. Brigitte Dorn
  • +41 44 632 38 87
  • vCard Download

Universitätstrasse 2
8092 Zürich

Contact other Courses

Emma Lindberg
  • +41 44 632 38 93
  • vCard Download

Universitätstrasse 2
LFW C 13.1
8092 Zürich

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