Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling
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Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling
Dozent am Departement Umweltsystemwissenschaften
Zusätzliche Informationen
Jahr | Ehrung |
2020 | Fotowettbewerb des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF): Auszeichnung in der Kategorie "Standorte und Instrumente" für das Foto "Sibirische Bäume als Zeugen von 1000 Jahren Klimawandel", aufgenommen auf einer Expedition nach Nordostsibirien im Sommer 2019. |
2013 | td-Award der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz für herausragende inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschung für das Projekt MOUNTLAND - A. Rigling (PI) et al. Preisgeld Fr. 50'000.- |
2011 | Honorarprofessor; Chinesische Akademie der Wissenschaften |
1993 | ETH-Medaille für hervorragende Diplomarbeit |
Weitere Informationen
- Lecturer in „Growth of Trees and Forests – from Germination to Tree Death “, ETH-Zurich, Dep. Environmental Systems Science (since 2020)
- Lecturer in „Mountain Forest Ecology“, ETH-Zurich, Dep. Environmental Science (2007-2011; since 2018)
- Lecturer in „Dendroecology“, ETH-Zurich, Dep. Environmental Systems Science (2007-2019)
- Lecturer in „Dendroecology“, University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences (2001-2005)
- Lectures in “Applied Dendroecology for Foresters”, Center of Forest Formation Maienfeld (Bildungszentrum Wald) (2001, 2003, 2006)
- Lectures on “Dendroecology” and “Tree-line dynamics”, ETH-Zurich, Dep. Forest Sciences (2001, 2002, 2003)
Organisation of Conferences/Summer Schools
- International Summer School “PROMOWOOD - Promotion of wood as key element for achieving net zero" (2023) Member organizing committee, supported by the SwissForestLab, the forest network, the projects MainWood and SCENE. 25 participants.
- 19th Swiss Climate Summer School “Vegetation, Land Surface and Climate Interactions” (2021) Co-applicant and member organizing committee. Jointly organized by C2SM (ETH) and the Oeschger Centre (University of Berne), Monte Verita, Switzerland.
- International Webinar “How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – a view across Europe (2020) Initiator and member Congress Organizing Committee COC. Jointly organized by WSL and the European Forest Institute EFI Bonn Office and supported by the Federal Office for the Environment Switzerland FOEN, the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture BMEL, the Cantons of both Basel and the Integrate Network; >700 participants.
- International IUFRO Congress “Interconnecting Forests, Science and People” (2017) Member Congress Organizing Committee COC. Freiburg iB D; 2200 participants.
- International Summer School “FORESCALE - Climate change impacts on forest ecosystems: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary challenges across spatial scales” (2015) Main organizer, supported by WSL, CCES, ETH, PSI, Uni Freiburg D, INRA Nancy F. 20 participants.
- International Conference “Climate Change and Tree Responses in central European Forests” CLIMTREE (2013) Member Congress Organizing Committee COC, Zürich CH, 250 participants.
- International Dendroecological Fieldweek (2001-2004), Main organizer, supported by WSL. 30 participants.
Scientific Networks - Board Memberships
- Bundesforschungs- & Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft BFW, Wien, A – Member strategic advisory board (Strategiebeirat) (since 2024):
- Forest Research Institute FVA, Freiburg, D – Member advisory board (Kuratorium) (since 2018):
- Forest Research Partnership NFZ Nancy-Freiburg-Zürich (since 2009) – member since 2006, chairman (2014-16 & 2022-2025):
- Bern University of Applied Sciences, Member advisory board of the Division of Forest sciences (since 2014).
- - member steering board (2009-2022):
- Board of directors of the Forest Research Organizations of Germany, Austria and Switzerland – representative of WSL (2009-2022).
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations IUFRO – member International Council, representative of Switzerland (2010-2014; 2020-2024):
- European Forest Institute EFI, Central European Regional Office EFICENT- member advisory board (until 2016):
Frühjahrssemester 2025
Nummer | Veranstaltung |
701-1616-00L | Growth of Trees and Forests – From Germination to Tree Death |
701-1638-00L | Mountain Forest Ecology (Block course) |
701-1692-00L | Applied Forest and Landscape Management Lab (Block Course with Preparation Days) |
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