Administrative and technical staff
The administrative and technical staff forms the backbone of a properly functioning department. Within the ETH Domain, the Staff Commission (PeKo) represents the interests of administrative and technical staff to the Executive Board.
Within the ETH Domain, the Staff Commission (PeKo) represents the interests of administrative and technical staff to the Executive Board. The Commission supports the staff in reorganising and personnel measures and is a possible point of contact for problems at the workplace. The Staff Commission is represented in the ETH Assembly, Strategy Commission, Catering Commission and Equal Opportunities.
Within the department, the university group ATUSYS represents the administrative and technical staff. The aim is to create a broad network which benefits the professorships and institutes.
ATUSYS (in German)
The conditions of employment are based on the Swiss Federal Personnel Act and the ETH Personnel Ordinance.
Employment and salary at ETH Zurich
protected page Information regarding permanent positions in professorships of D-USYS
The D-USYS Family Office is open to members of the department. The room can be used by parents or carers who would like to bring their children to work and supervise them themselves. Family Office D-USYS
When a child is born, the ETH Domain grants fathers 10 days paid leave. The department is committed to ensuring that fathers benefit from this option.
Do you need advice on any employment-related issues? Cornelia Kutasi, D-USYS Personnel Manager, will be happy to help.
Furthermore, ETH Zurich offers different contact points:
HR Beratung Departemente
Universitätstrasse 16