Prof. em. Dr. Laura Sigg
Prof. em. Dr. Laura Sigg
Retired Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
Additional information
Laura Sigg was 1980 – 2015 a research scientist and head of a research group at Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Duebendorf, Switzerland), most recently in the Department of Environmental toxicology, and was 1991- 2015 an adjunct professor in the department of Environmental Sciences of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (D-USYS, ETH).
She obtained a diploma in chemistry at the University of Berne, Switzerland, in 1975 and completed her PhD at ETHZ in 1979.
Her research concerns the chemistry of natural waters, mostly the fate and speciation of trace elements in lakes, rivers and groundwater and interactions of trace elements with algae. Recent topics are also the fate of engineered nanoparticles in natural waters and their effects on algae and other aquatic organisms.
She was teaching at ETH chemistry of natural waters and she is a co-author together with Werner Stumm of the textbook “Aquatische Chemie” (6th edition 2016, vdf Zurich). She was 2000 – 2010 an associate editor of “Environmental Science and Technology” and is since 1995 an associate editor of “Aquatic Geochemistry”.