Research stations
ETH Zurich runs various agricultural research stations as part of its research and educational activities.

external page AgroVet-Strickhof is a cooperation between ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and external page Strickhof, the agricultural competence centre of the Canton of Zurich. Using an holistic «From feed to food» approach, questions from livestock science and animal health are addressed in an interdisciplinary and practical way. Several new buildings with advanced research infrastructures at the main location in Lindau (ZH) have come into operation during 2017.
AgroVet-Strickhof extends to the four operating sites external page Lindau (ZH), external page Wüflingen (ZH), external page Früebüel (Walchwil ZG) and external page Alp Weissenstein (Bergün GR). The four sites complement each other optimally as they are located at different altitudes.
Research Station for Plant Sciences
The ETH Research Station for Plant Sciences belongs to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS). It offers users the opportunity to conduct experiments in modern greenhouses, climate chambers and out in the field.