VMUSYS is the association of academic staff of the Department Environmental Systems Science.

We represent the entire academic staff of D-USYS, excluding professors, adjunct professors, and teaching assistants. Doctoral students, postdocs, and senior scientists are automatically members of VMUSYS. However, in order to support us financially, you have to register as a member of AVETH. For doctoral students, this can be done in ETHIS whenever you register for the semester, while all other members must join AVETH on their website.
More events are planned - infomation will be sent out with our newsletters
Development Opportunities and Events (from Human Ressources)
What happens to a Group when a Professorship Ends?
Information sessions have been held in the past with our department head, and the HR to inform VMUSYS and ATUSYS on what happens when your group’s professorship ends. If you are interested in this information, you can find useful links below:
Useful links
Do you have questions regarding the work at ETH? Are you searching for a flat? Do you want to get some ideas for spending your freetime?
These links might help you.