News & Events
The Waldlabor Zurich is open to everyone all year round. Following the General Assembly of the ETH Waldlabor group (WaLabETH), there will be various events this spring to autumn relating to the Waldlabor and ETH projects in the Waldlabor.

Join the WaLabETH General Assembly
on 22.02.2024, 16-18h in HPI F 16
ETH is a member of the Zurich Forest Laboratory "Waldlabor" and offers ETH members a platform for teaching, research and outreach on forest and forest management. A number of projects are already being implemented at ETH. All involved and interested parties are cordially invited to the General Assembly of the ETH Waldlabor group (WaLabETH). The next General Assembly will take place on 22 February 2024 at 16-18h in HPI F 16 on the Hönggerberg campus. It is open to all interested ETH members. For planning purposes, please register by email briefly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Coordination Office.
Contact coordination office:
ETH Treffpunkt Science City - Waldlabor Demo
Sunday 10.03.2024, 11-16h in the HCI G-Stock
Due to the increase in the average temperature, fir and spruce are becoming less important, while oak and Norway maple are becoming more important. As the forest grows slowly, it must be prepared for changes early on. At the same time, people use the wood for building or heating. Test your knowledge and find out how our forests will change over the next few years.
Download Link to the Science City programme (PDF, 3.5 MB) (PDF, 3.5 MB, in German, see p. 21)
Understanding how trees grow
ETH tours on 16.04.2024, 18-19:30h
Some of the public events organised by ETH tours take visitors to the forest laboratory and/or focus on key aspects of the forest laboratory. Due to their longevity and long cycles, the growth of trees eludes our consciousness. During this excursion on and around the Hönggerberg campus, the time involved in tree growth becomes visible. As a result, we get to know the nature of trees better and uncover some of the secrets surrounding these great unknowns of our forests. (in German)
Link to ETH tours and registration (by the end of February)
Through the Arboretum on Hönggerberg
ETH tours on 21.05.2024, 18-19:30h
This public event offered by ETH tours takes you into one of the first ETH projects of the Waldlabor. The arboretum aims to create a unique living collection of all 400 tree and shrub species in Central Europe. Many species of trees and shrubs can already be discovered here. On a walk through the forest, you will also learn how ETH Zurich combines science, teaching and public information in the forest laboratory. (in German)
Link to ETH tours and registration (by the end of February)
The Waldlabor Zurich - real laboratory of sustainability
ETH tours on 02.07.2024, 18-19:30h
This ETH tour offers a good introduction to Switzerland's first forest laboratory, right next to the Hönggerberg campus. It is dedicated to the diverse services of the cultural forest and invites you to discover a wide variety of forest images. During this summer forest tour, you will get to know the Waldlabor Zurich and immerse yourself in forest development in historical and current forms of sustainable forest management. (in German)
Link to ETH tours and registration (by the end of May)
Major public event - the Waldlabor Day
Saturday 07.09.2024, 13-18h
Reserve this day for a visit to the Waldlabor Zurich with a variety of activities for young and old. Discover the forest laboratory and immerse yourself in various topics relating to the forest ecosystem. Together with all the supporting organisations and project partners, the Waldlabor Day offers various activities, guided tours and information on forests and forest management. (in German)
(more information will follow)
Event calendar of the Waldlabor Zurich
The Waldlabor is also an event platform on which all supporting and partner institutions can realize projects and events. The range of events is constantly growing. It covers diverse topics related to the biological and ecological aspects of the forest, its management to provide many forest services, social aspects and our relationship with the forest.
external page Waldlabor Zurich: Events (in german)